Tuesday, January 7, 2014



    ICT?Its my joyful subject,because many thins happened while our teacher was not around.Laugter and happiness covers the Computer Lab.Crazy things was seen.Many people change and most of all our lives changed.So I am thankful on this year.
   Our teacher was so kind.Even she saw as playing games in the computer while our some classmates are doing the activity.Even we are so noisy and even if we are late entering in her class.We are thankful of what God gave us.He gave us the teacher that will consider our mistakes.So I learn even how serious you are there is the joy inside you that can relieve your anger.I learn that in our ICT techer.
      2013 is the best year of my life,because of many things was learned and many people  that I encountered that completes my day.THANK YOU FOR THE TIME UNTIL NEXT YEARJ


     Imagine the world where people are equal. Social, academic, and political classes are vanished, People with the same mental capabilities sharing land and resources equally. Social life is a reflection of an individual’s relations with people, economy, and education. Just like in the world of matter and atoms, likely atoms bond together and form a stronger element. Discarding the significance of equality among living creatures enforce the stability of the bonds among similar elements. This stability eliminates the chances of bringing together unfavorable elements. A world where the poor can not challenge the rich or even get along with him is undesired. Seeking the life style where everybody is equal.

  One of the sign of this phenomena is the disrimination activites.Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated. It involves the group's initial reaction or interaction, influencing the individual's actual behavior towards the group or the group leader, restricting members of one group from opportunities or privileges that are available to another group, leading to the exclusion of the individual or entities based on logical or irrational decision making.

  So live equaly and may the world attain its mood of peace.No problems that will encounter abuot this.live happy and see the sunrise again.


          English month is celebrated during the month of October. Lot of things has done during this month.
         From the theme “Upholding English Proficiency for Communicative Competence”, this theme had a lot of meaning right? English is the international language. So we should learn this language in order for us to be more proficient in speaking English. This is use in our everyday lives so it was really important to it.  English is use in communicating to others especially those people in other places. How can we understand them if we don’t know how to speak English.
          English is really important we should enhance our selves in using it. We should use it day by day to be more proficient.So English is important in our lives.Without it we will be a depth people in the world,because it is the universal language .

                    Climate Change

          Climate change is a tangible problem and its existence can no longer be denied. It is one of the most important scientific, economic threats facing to the earth. There are many factors lead to climate change, such as greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, fossil fuels. Although it would be self-deception to believe that humans had nothing to do with it, the fact is that human activities caused negative effects on climate change. More people exploit more natural resources, cut more trees, use more fossil fuels, produce more wastes, build more roads, dams and cities, pollute more soil, water and air, and contribute more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, which may lead to the ozone depletion and global warming, i.e., ultimately damaging the entire environment and annoying the climatic change. Thus, man is capable of influencing global climate deliberately or inadvertently through his various actions and activities.

          Because CO2 and other greenhouse gases are so long-lived in the atmosphere, enhanced greenhouse warming can be expected to persist for centuries. The impacts - many of which are effectively irreversible - will affect everyone on earth. Human health, patterns and intensity of precipitation, water and food supplies, coastal development, energy supplies, and the viability of natural systems: all will be affected if Earth's climate continues to change.


   To me Christmas means a time of happiness towards everyone. It is a time when families and close friends come home from all over the world to be with the people they love. To most people family and friends come first in their lives, so this is obviously a very favored holiday. 

When it’s Christmas time, people exchange gifts often and take it for granted. This holiday is usually associated with receiving gifts. Personally, I think giving a gift is just as great as receiving one. Most of the time giving can be even more enjoyable. The whole idea of finding that perfect gift, making someone smile, and him or her realizing that you put that much thought into just one gift is just one way which Christmas brings happiness to everyone. 

    They imagine seeing snow-covered houses lit up all along the street with their bright lights one trying to outdo another, and a large, fresh pine tree in their living room window covered with lights and bulbs with an angel perched onto the very top. When they come in the kitchen they smell the contagious aroma of their mother’s cookies baking. That is an example of a typical outlook on a normal Christmas. To me it’s not Christmas without the decorations or festive Christmas treats. 

    Christmas time is my favorite time of year. I love when it’s time to shop for all those Christmas gifts for everyone. I love the red and green decorations, and my beautifully decorated Christmas tree sitting in my living room. I love the snow, when my grandma makes her gingerbread cookies, and the great music. But most of all, I love this time of year because I get the chance to be with my family and friends while I enjoy everyone’s Christmas cheer during this wonderful time of year.